Friday, October 21, 2022

Books Are Still Available

Although my brother Russ unfortunately has passed away this year (2022), the books referred to in this blog, that he published, are still available on Although the direct links no longer work, you can go to and search the title or author. I believe he's published about 11 books. Some of his books were also published as eBooks on It's cheaper and you would also need to search by title and author to see if available. Rest in peace brother!

Saturday, June 25, 2022


With great sadness, this is to announce that my brother Russ has passed away from us, as of June 17, 2022.

His obituary can be seen at the following link:

Russell James Bridger, 67, died of natural causes suddenly at his home in Minneapolis, Mn prior to June 17th, 2022. He was home alone at the time of his death. Born July 22, 1954 to Donald James Bridger and Agnes C Konitzer Bridger Bast. Survived by siblings: Daniel (Louise Berndt) Bridger, Crivitz, WI, Charles (Lynn) Bridger, Milwaukee, WI, Cynthia (David Jones) Bridger Boyd, Sarasota, FL, Gene (Sherry) Bridger, Mount Jackson, VA and Karin (Jon) Bush, Graceville, FL. Russ married Sandra Draeger in 1973 at Milwaukee WI, Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church - Annulled 1978. He married Roxanne Lea Caron Bridger Gorton in 1979 at Las Vegas, NV. She was born in 1955 at St. Paul MN. He met Cheryl Rose Zaic while both were driving school buses in Minneapolis. She was born in 1956 at Minneapolis, MN. Surviving children of Russ and Roxanne are April Lea Bridger and Shane Alan Bridger, both of Minneapolis, MN. Surviving grandchildren are Connor Robert Christensen, born 2006 and Aurora Eva-Lea Hagen, born 2016.

Russell graduated from James Madison High School while working two jobs in Milwaukee in 1972. He then pursued a career in the finance industry, working his way up to office and branch manager, transferring to California and eventually Minneapolis. There, in Minnesota, he met and married Roxanne, the mother of his children. After many years in a high pressure field of employment, he had enough and decided to get out, obtaining a job driving a school bus. Driving for them, he gained experience, eventually leading to getting hired by the city of Minneapolis as a Metro Transit city bus driver. With numerous safe driving awards, he retired at 62 and was living comfortably. Russell enjoyed living his life the way he wanted to and was always upbeat and a happy person. You could ask him anything and always get an honest answer. He would never expect you to agree with him and felt everyone had a right to their own opinion. A very talented and accomplished writer, you can read his outstanding article called "A Day in the Life of a Bus Driver" below. Russ will be cremated and a private family service will be arranged at a later date, as he requested in a letter to his children.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

            A Day In the Life of a Bus Driver

            November 30th, 2015. A snowstorm during the night. The first of the season. It's 7 AM and the sand trucks have not started yet, as usual for the initial storm.
            My start for the day gives me a long 60 foot articulated (accordion) bus that has the flexible joint in the middle, with the heavy engine in the back, and the drive wheels are the rear tires. Very difficult to drive in snow and ice.
            As I start out my bus route I've picked up a few passengers. Each time I try to pull over and pick up someone, the bus keeps sliding forward a few feet no matter how slow I'm going. Very dangerous for the one standing outside next to the front door. That's why we try to keep 4 feet from the curb.
            Every intersection seems to be packed down with snow, and icy. Black ice, the worst and most slippery. Very hard to stop or start without sliding or spinning the rear tires.
            I'm coming down a double lane divided main road to an intersection with stop and go lights. There are several cars stopped in each lane waiting on a red light. I'm going very slow trying not to brake too hard so the tires don't start sliding. I'm only going 5 miles an hour, but every time I push on the brakes, the back end pushes forward and starts the bus to jackknife. The worst of all scenarios. I see the nightmare happening in my side mirror. I have to let off the brake and keep rolling to stop the disaster. But I'm getting ever closer to the stopped cars. I retry braking to slow the bus down further but the same thing happens. Jack-knife starts again. It's a time game, waiting for a green light so the cars will have a chance and start moving. But its a long light. I see an out with a right lane turn only possibility, but then I would be making a turn and not being able to continue my regular route. It would take a half hour to get back on track in this weather. I continue to play the nightmare out in slow motion, hoping against hope that the light will change, the cars will move forward, and I won't run into the back of the car ahead. My heart is thumping. My eyes darting from front, to the right turn lane, to the side mirror watching my bus jackknifing. I would be crossing my fingers if I had the time. Black ice, sliding bus, hoping against hope.
            And then the light turns, the cars start moving, and once again I have avoided an at-fault accident that would have ruined my 22 year safe driving record. Holy crap!
            I won't even get into the later problems of the air brakes losing the air due to constant braking, requiring constant pull overs to rev the engine to get back some air. It was a very bad morning.

Russ Bridger, Metro Transit Bus Driver – Minneapolis Minnesota

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I found this on the Oconto County Historical Society web page under the 2011 awards section.

The Kay Stewart Award – for lifetime achievement in family history

This last summer I was at a gathering that Vic and Agnes Bast attended. I noticed that Agnes was carrying a book, ‘Life’s Memories’. I’m always on the lookout for people who have written down stories of their lives in Oconto County, so I immediately thought of Agnes for a Kay Stewart Award. Then I found out Agnes had also written a book documenting her Konitzer family tree, and then an updated list of descendants. Gathering the information to build a family tree is time-consuming but rewarding. Agnes has helped preserve the history of another family of Oconto County. Agnes and Vic were unable to attend this meeting, but her son Russ Bridger and brother-in-law, Clyde Bridger, are here to accept the Kay Stewart Award on her behalf.

These books are available at , published by Russ Bridger.
She deserves this award, and the extended family should read and cherish them.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another book published for "Family & Friends"!!

This is the 11th book published by me and authored by "Family & Friends", and is the first one in the "Science Fiction" category. Written by Ernest Meyer, Dark Exodus is now available at in Softcover for $11.25 (over 400 pages). Reviews welcome!
Link to "Dark Exodus" Softcover 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Coming Soon!! My 11th published book authored by "Family & Friends", and first science fiction story; the second publishing of "Dark Exodus" by Ernest Meyer.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My newest (10th) book published for "Family & Friends", about my uncle's brother Joe Ostringer, explorer, miner, and geologist. 
What an amazing story by cousin Jane Delveaux! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

LINK to "My Gallery" (color eBook version), Book of Poems 
     A compilation of fantastic poems from my cousin Wendy Mikulec, that will bring tears to your eyes, and make you better appreciate your family! ($8.99) 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Book Review

My brother has allowed me to review on his blog a very good book that I purchased and reviewed on my blog!

Book Review.  I will acknowledge first and foremost that I am a pretty conservative guy.  One of my personal heroes has been President Ronald Reagan.  Edward “Jack” Dinse wrote a book about his four years in the Marine Corp during the Reagan years of the 80’s.  It is a fascinating account of a boy from Wisconsin becoming not only a man, but a US Marine!  The title is “Every Day a Holiday, Every Meal a Feast”  is published by my brother and is available at

At over 400 pages, it’s reasonably priced at $17 for soft cover and $6 for eBook.  It’s a very good read! Link to 8.5"x11" Softcover , and Link to eBook version .

If you have an interest in Trucking, RV's, NASCAR, Green Bay Packers, check out my trucking blog at

Daniel S Bridger's Trucking Blog


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Books For Sale! Available at !

Fighter Pilot!

Airplane Rides

Life's Memories
Every Day a Holiday,
Every Meal a Feast

Free Book Publishing for you:

 KONITZER Descendants

Original Konitzer Family Tree book

 Life's Memories

History of the Bagley Nature Area Neighborhood
 University of MN., Duluth

Bob Jubin - Aviator (and other stories)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Newest book published! 8th published book is now available. "History of Bagley Nature Area Neighborhood, University of MN., Duluth (and other stories)" is John Larson's 3rd book. "Airplane Rides" and "Bob Jubin - Aviator" are the other two. Available at .

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mom's Award!

"A Night of Coincidences and Success!"
(The annual meeting of the Oconto County Historical Society at Irish Greens Golf Club)

Dan, what do you think the odds are that I would drive 300 miles to a banquet dinner and end up sitting next to a man who had purchased, and lived in, the house that dad grew up in on Pecor Street in Oconto, WI, before it was moved to another location?
Well, that's exactly what happened!

And what would be the odds that out of 80 people in attendance, the man who sits across from me, Dave Retzlaff, is the son of Arlene, Uncle Clyde's wife. And further, that he is also receiving the same "Kay Stewart" award as mom, for recently purchasing a building in downtown Oconto that had mostly burned down in the 1950's, to restore it and sell Stanley cast metal Toys. And also, that he would happen to have large print aerial photos of the smoking building taken at the time so long ago. I asked if he knew who took the photos and he said Bob Jubin! WOW! (Uncle Clyde added that John Larson was probably with Jubin taking the pictures while they flew over). WOW again! Naturally I pulled out my books "Bob Jubin - Aviator" and "Airplane Rides" by John R. Larson, to show Dave the books I had published earlier this year. He took my bookmarks to order them later.

This was followed by the "Success" part of the story.
Uncle Clyde did a great job giving the acceptance "speech" (the letter from mom to the board and audience). It was a great feeling hearing the laughs from the big crowd at my few attempts at humor, as the speechwriter for mom. So, success for mom and success for me!!

I should mention that Uncle Clyde confided in me that Arlene is scheduled for another heart pacemaker surgery next Thursday. Her body will have a very hard time handling it, but there is no other alternative.

Congratulations! You have just read words from Russ Bridger; the "family tree guy", part-time Minneapolis bus driver, & novice book publisher. Contact me at or phone 763-561-2432. (See my blog for current books at If you have anything to publish (at no cost), or questions on the family tree, contact me!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Flight Lesson #1 side story

      An interesting back story to my 1st flight lesson is that while I had the controls flying at 3500 feet, in the middle of nowhere up there, Tim noticed another plane flying at us a little to the right and a little bit down from us. He grabbed control and sharply banked to the left, and mentioned it was the closest he's come to another plane in the air in over 10 years!! I would guess it was 200 yards away from us as we passed each other. Lookee there. I'm already telling "tales" of my flying career! I didn't see this plane until we were very close. Yikes!
      This will definitely go into my book for sure. ("Learning to Fly after 50!")

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Flight Lesson ... FINALLY!

     Sunday, 9/25/2011, was my very first flight lesson for a Sport Pilot certification! What a thrill. It was an absolutely perfect, cool, early fall, almost cloudless, day in southeast Minnesota. 
     After waiting for many weeks, due to one light aircraft (the only one used  for the Sport Pilot training at my local Crystal airport) maintenance issues, I finally researched whether I can be trained in other types of aircraft. The answer was yes, according to, which was very good news. My flight instructor Tim verified that any plane can be used for training, and the only time requiring a LSA (light sport aircraft) is during times of a solo flight, and the checkride. 
      So, finally, I got my first flight lesson in a 160 horsepower, 4 seater, low-wing Piper Warrior. I was given only a few hours notice to take the lesson, which helped with the nervous build-up that I suffered during the 1st try at a lesson. 
      I got to take off, make turns climbing and descending, etc. (he didn't let me land  yet, but I can't blame him). It was one fun hour, and very exhausting. It reminded me of bus driving training. You are concentrating so hard for so long to try and take everything in, and your senses are not used to it. After two naps and 12 hours later, I am finally "coming down" from my high, and writing about it. 
     I must admit that $250 is a lot of money for the 1.2 hours of experience, but it was a once in a lifetime "first". 
     After the takeoff, which happened so quickly, we had some nice scary turbulence that made the plane shake a bit, just enough to get my heightened senses even higher. Initially, I wondered if I would have to cope with radio transmissions, which gladly turned out not to be the case. But it all went so fast I hardly had time to think about and truly enjoy it. Which probably means I will be back for more! What a challenge it would be to become proficient in this new hobby. Until next time....     

Friday, September 16, 2011

New photos added; scroll down to see!

New photos are added relating to the books published. Scroll down to see them.
Another flight lesson canceled for tomorrow morning due to plane maintenance issues. I don't know how they stay in business! Unfortunately they are the only game in town at the local airport. Darn.

Monday, August 29, 2011

New book available! & My new "blog page"!

Hi all,
Anyone from the Oconto Falls WI area may know John R. (Jack) Larson as a pilot, photographer, or writer.
You also may know Vic Bast as a teacher/principal for over 40 years.
And of course, you probably know my mother, Agnes (Konitzer) Bridger Bast.
In addition, you may also know Edward Dinse, a 2nd cousin and former US Marine.

My new "blog page" has the book links to 7 books published this year by these family members & friends.
It was an honor to publish their books on and you can preview and/or purchase the eBooks or Softcover books by clicking on the particular book covers on the "blog page".

Just click on this link - , or go to .

The new "Airplane Rides", and "Bob Jubin - Aviator" by John Larson.
"Fighter Pilot! by Victor Bast.
"Life's Memories" & "Original Konitzer Family Tree book" by Agnes (Konitzer) Bridger Bast.
"Every Day a Holiday, Every Meal a Feast" by Edward "Jack" Dinse.
"KONITZER Descendants" by Russ Bridger.

I hope you check these books out, and add them to your library or give them as gifts.
Books written by "Family & Friends" are very special, and will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time and interest.

Congratulations! You have just read words from Russ Bridger; the "family tree guy", part-time 20 year Mpls./MN bus driver, amateur book publisher, and soon to be "sport pilot". Contact me at or phone 763-561-2432.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

New book announcement!!

It's official! John R. (Jack) Larson's new book "Airplane Rides" is now available at in eBook or Softcover format. This life story of 180 pages combines his occupations of writer, pilot, and photographer. Many great photographs! Thanks for supporting the "Family of books, by Family & Friends".

Friday, August 26, 2011

Still fighting for a 1st flight lesson!

Would you believe my flight lesson tonight was canceled due to the Tecnam in for maintenance...again? At least I got to talk to my new instructor, Tim, on the phone, and had a nice chat. He is to call me tomorrow morning and advise of the one and only plane for teaching Sport Pilots. I asked him if he liked his job, and he said he loves it so much he would probably do it for free. I said I like that, because I feel the same way about driving bus. Would you believe he works for a publishing company during the day??? What a coincidence.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Still attempting 1st flight lesson

     Well, it turns out that my 1st flight instructor is leaving the company in 2 weeks, having found a job with a commercial airline. I guess that is the goal for most instructors... waiting for a better job.
     So after talking to him last night, he suggested I might want to start out with an instructor I can stick with for the duration of my lessons. Makes sense.
     So... following my age old advice of  "be nice to the front desk lady", I obtained a new instructor and a scheduled 1st flight lesson for tomorrow night, Friday, at 6:30 P.M. Yippee!! I'll try not to expect anything, and enjoy everything that comes.
     The explanation for the Tuesday morning "stand up" was that the plane was in for maintenance, any any appointments were canceled automatically. Somebody forgot to call the clients!! How's that for customer service in this economy?
     I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

1st flight lesson - NOT

Would you believe I was stood up by my first flight instructor? I arrived 10 minutes early for my 1st flight lesson that was scheduled last week with the Chief Flight Instructor, and was told I didn't have an appointment listed. Here I am, a 57 year old, mature professional, willing to pay thousands to this company to train me to fly, and  I get stood up! WTF? Is this any way to run a railroad? I'm still awaiting an explanation 4 hours later. Man, what a bitter taste in my mouth. This is a heck of a way to start a long-term business relationship.

My first flight lesson, 8/23/2011

     Today is the day. 11 AM this morning. 1st flight lesson scheduled. Naturally it rained this morning. But, as of 9 AM things are clearing up. Went to bed last night at 11:30 PM and couldn't get to sleep until 2:00 AM. What a surprise. Over 2 hours to wait now. Wish me luck!